Jacquard Soda Ash Dye Fixer

Jacquard Soda Ash Dye Fixer

Soda Ash dye fixer is a mild alkali that promotes the chemical reaction between Procion MX dyes and cellulose fibre. It is also known as sodium carbonate, washing soda or salt soda. Soda Ash is necessary to activate and set Procion MX Dye. 

Available in 454g individually and in 454g and 2.27kg display units.

  • Soda Ash Dye Fixer 2.27kg with display
    Soda Ash Dye Fixer 2.27kg with display
    EDP: 0054870
  • Soda Ash Dye Fixer 454g
    Soda Ash Dye Fixer 454g
    EDP: 8635166
    UOM: BAG
  • Soda Ash Dye Fixer 454g with display
    Soda Ash Dye Fixer 454g with display
    EDP: 0054880
  • Soda Ash Dye Fixer 2.27kg with display
    0054870 - #0743772200703
    Length: 0 mm
    Width: 0 mm
    Height: 0 mm
    Weight: 0 g
  • Soda Ash Dye Fixer 454g
    8635166 - #0743772100706
    Length: 0 mm
    Width: 0 mm
    Height: 0 mm
    Weight: 0 g
  • Soda Ash Dye Fixer 454g with display
    0054880 - #
    Length: 0 mm
    Width: 0 mm
    Height: 0 mm
    Weight: 0 g