Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy

Jasco Pty Ltd takes its privacy obligations seriously and we are committed to the National Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988. Our Privacy Policy outlines how, when and why Jasco will collect, use, disclose and store your personal information. This includes information and opinions about customers that we collect and record and which could be used to reasonably identify them.

Most of our web site can be accessed without the need to give us any information about you. The information below is designed to explain how we collect, use and protect any personal information you provide to us through the website.

Collection of  Personal Information

Jasco generally collects demographic information such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and other contact details.

Jasco also collects some statistical information when you browse our web site. This information does not identify you personally and is only used to evaluate the performance of our website and specific promotional activity.

There will be occasions when we will request personal information from you to complete on line warranty forms, product or promotional information or when providing comments or feedback on our site.

Our online forms will ask for limited personal information to ensure that we are able to satisfy your request. This information will only be used for the purpose specified and will not be disclosed to any other party.

Jasco does not collect sensitive information, such as your political or religious beliefs, your ethnicity, sexual preferences or health information.

Storage and Security of Personal Information

Jasco stores personal information in a combination of secure computer database and paper-based files and other records. The database and any hard copies of personal information kept by Jasco will be secure and accessible only by authorised personnel.

Jasco is committed to keeping your personal information secure and will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse or alteration. Additionally Jasco takes reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information when we no longer need it. 

Use of Personal Information

As the privacy of our customers is of utmost importance to Jasco, we will not sell, rent or trade your personal information without consent.

However, to ensure a high level of service, we may disclose information to outside contractors to carry out specialised activities on our behalf, e.g. mailing houses. If you do not wish to receive marketing information from us, please contact us.

To better protect your privacy, we impose strict requirements of security and confidentiality on all third parties as to how they handle your personal information. Outside contractors are not allowed to use information about you for any purpose except to perform the services we have asked them to provide.

Accuracy of Personal Information

Jasco aims to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist with this, please contact us if your details change. If you believe the information we have about you is not accurate, please contact us and we will take all reasonable steps to correct or update the information.

Access to Personal Information

Upon request, Jasco will provide you with a copy of any personal information which we hold about you in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act. Before so doing, it may be necessary for you to provide identification.

Jasco is not obliged to provide you with access to this personal information if:

  • It would pose a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of an individual;
  • It would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals;
  • The request is frivolous or vexatious;
  • The information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between Jasco and you, and the information would not be required to be provided to you in those proceedings;
  • It would reveal the intentions of Jasco in relation to negotiations with you in such a way as to prejudice those negotiations;
  • It would be unlawful, may prejudice an investigation of possible unlawful activity, may prejudice enforcement of laws, or denying access is specifically authorised by law; or
  • It would reveal evaluative information generated by Jasco in connection with a commercially sensitive decision making process.

Jasco will provide you with reasons if it declines your request for access to your personal information.

Jasco undertakes to promptly acknowledge and investigate any complaint about the way we manage personal information.

Your Acceptance

By using our website and submitting our on line forms you are deemed to have accepted our privacy statement. Jasco may make amendments to its privacy policy from time to time. You maintain the right to correct any personal information about you or to have this information removed from our records.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions, feedback or comments regarding this privacy statement please contact via the web feedback form, by email or by mail to:
Jasco Pty Ltd
PO Box 107010, Auckland Airport, Auckland, New Zealand.
Email: [email protected]