Ethics Policy



Jasco Pty Limited’s (Jasco) purpose for this ethics policy is to establish a culture of openness, trust and integrity in business practices. Effective ethics is a team effort involving the participation and support of every Jasco employee. All employees should familiarize themselves with the ethics guidelines that follow this introduction.

Jasco is committed to protecting employees, partners, vendors and the company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly. When Jasco addresses issues proactively and uses correct judgment, it will help set us apart from competitors.

Jasco will not tolerate any wrongdoing or impropriety at any time. Jasco will take the appropriate measures to act quickly in correcting the issue if the ethical code is broken. Any infractions of this code of ethics will not be tolerated.



Our purpose for authoring a publication on ethics is to emphasize the employee’s and consumer’s expectation to be treated to fair business practices. This policy will serve to guide business behaviour to ensure ethical conduct.



This policy applies to employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, and other workers at Jasco, including all personnel affiliated with third parties and associated suppliers.



Management within Jasco must set a prime example. In any business practice, honesty and integrity must be top priority for executives.

Executives must have an open-door policy and welcome suggestions and concerns from employees. This will allow employees to feel comfortable discussing any issues and will alert executives to concerns within the work force.

Executives must disclose any conflict of interests regard their position within Jasco.



Jasco employees will treat everyone fairly, have mutual respect, promote a team environment and avoid the intent and appearance of unethical or compromising practices.

Every employee needs to apply effort and intelligence in maintaining ethics value.

Employees must disclose any conflict of interests in regard their position within Jasco.

Employees will help Jasco to increase customer and vendor satisfaction by providing quality products and timely response to inquiries.



Promotion of ethical conduct within interpersonal communications of employees will be rewarded.

Jasco will promote a trustworthy and honest atmosphere to reinforce the vision of ethics within the company.



Jasco will reinforce the importance of the integrity message and the tone will start at the top. Every employee needs to consistently maintain an ethical stance and support ethical behaviour.

Employees at Jasco should encourage open dialogue, get honest feedback and treat everyone fairly, with honesty and objectivity.



Jasco will avoid the intent and appearance of unethical or compromising practice in relationships, actions and communications.

Jasco will not tolerate harassment or discrimination.

Unauthorized use of company trade secrets & marketing, operational, personnel, financial, source code, and technical information integral to the success of our company will not be tolerated.

Jasco will not permit impropriety at any time and we will act ethically and responsibly in accordance with laws.

Jasco employees will not use corporate assets or business relationships for personal use or gain.



Any infractions of this code of ethics will not be tolerated and Jasco will act quickly in correcting the issue if the ethical code is broken.

Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.



Jasco is committed to respecting core labour standards established by the International Labour Organization (ILO), protecting and respecting human rights as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and promoting environmental sustainability.


  1. Business Integrity

    Jasco is committed to conducting business with the highest standards of integrity, in accordance with our local and international obligations and in compliance with all applicable laws.

    Jasco supports the principles of ethical and socially responsible business practices and is committed to integrating same into its business operations.

    Jasco employees shall not engage in acts of bribery or corruption and shall not falsify documents or records, during, or as a part of, any audit process under this Policy.


  2. Modern Slavery

    Jasco actively supports practises which comply with human rights and social justice standards.

    2.1   Labour Rights – Jasco does not tolerate forced, bonded (debt) or involuntary labour. Workers are able to cease their employment after giving reasonable notice.

    2.2   Bondage – denying access to a person’s identity or immigration papers is prohibited.

    2.3   People Trafficking – trafficking in persons is prohibited.

    2.4   Recruitment – misleading practices must not be used during the recruitment process including denial of basic information about the position, material misrepresentation of remuneration, benefits and conditions and costs to be borne by the candidate. Applicants will not be charged recruitment fees.

    2.5   Debts - Employees will not be forced to pay off a debt.


  3. Freedom Of Association

    Jasco respects the right for employees to join a union or a worker’s organisation of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.


  4. No Discrimination in Employment

    It is the Jasco’s policy to grant equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to race, age, marital status, religion, gender or national origins. This means people are treated on their merits at every stage of their employment - from the recruitment and interview process through to their daily duties, promotion, training and development opportunities, and their resignation, retrenchment or redundancy. The objective of the Jasco is to improve business success by:

    • attracting and retaining the best possible employees
    • providing a safe, respectful and flexible work environment
    • delivering our services in a safe, respectful and reasonably flexible way

    The way Jasco will do this is by:

    • attracting and retaining the best possible employees
    • providing a safe, respectful and flexible work environment
    • delivering our services in a safe, respectful and reasonably flexible way
    • ensuring that all recruitment, selection and promotion decisions are based on the best qualified and experienced candidate who can perform the genuine occupational requirements of the position
    • providing equal opportunity in employment to all suitably able people without discrimination or harassment based on personal characteristics
    • ensuring employees are treated fairly and equitably in an environment free of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment.


  5. Child Labour

    Jasco has a zero-tolerance policy to child labour within the organisation. Employees must meet the local minimum age requirement.


  6. Wages And Benefits

    Jasco employees are paid at or above award rate.

    All employees are provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions with respect to wages before they enter employment, and about the particulars of their wages for each pay period.


  7. Working Hours

    In accordance with the National Employment Standards, normal working hours are 40 hours per week.

    Entitlement to leave is in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.


  8. Harsh or Inhumane Treatment

    All employees are to be treated with dignity and respect. The use of any physical abuse or discipline, threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation (either directly or indirectly) will not be tolerated. All employee performance management measures are to be recorded.


  9. Entitlement to Work and Immigration

    As a condition of employment, workers must be able to demonstrate their eligibility to work in New Zealand by the production of one of the following documents:

    a) evidence of New Zealand citizenship;
    b) evidence of permanent residency; or
    c) a valid temporary visa permitting you to work in New Zealand.

    Copies of these documents will be taken and held by Jasco. If your eligibility to work changes during the course of your employment Jasco must be informed. Should a employee become ineligible to work in New Zealand employment will immediately cease from the date of such ineligibility.


  10. Environment

    Jasco is committed to achieving compatibility between economic development and the maintenance of the environment. Jasco therefore seeks to ensure that, throughout all phases of its activities, Jasco personnel and contractors give proper consideration to the care of the flora, fauna, air, land and water, and to the community health and heritage which may be affected by those activities. To fulfil this commitment, Jasco will observe all environmental laws and will:

    • Progressively establish and maintain company-wide environmental standards for our operations
    • Integrate environmental factors into planning and operational decisions and processes
    • Access the potential environmental effects of our activities and regularly monitor and audit our environmental performance
    • Continually improve our environmental performance, including developing opportunities for recycling, and more efficiently using energy, water and other resources
    • Promote environmental awareness among company personnel and contractors to increase understanding of environmental matters