Jacquard Silk Salt

Jacquard Silk Salt

Jacquard Silk salt creates beautiful textures on fabric. Simply paint fabric with dye or Jacquard Dye-Na-Flow paint, while fabric is still wet, sprinkle on the Silk Salt. The salt will absorb the colour as it dries, leaving halos of colour.

Leave the salt on the fabric until it is completely dry, brush off and discard salt and set the colour as usual. 56.70g jar. 

  • Silk Salt 56.70g
    Silk Salt 56.70g
    EDP: 7602325
    UOM: JAR
  • Silk Salt 56.70g
    7602325 - #0743772170006
    Length: 0 mm
    Width: 0 mm
    Height: 0 mm
    Weight: 0 g