Liquitex Acrylic Effects Mediums

Liquitex offer a wide variety of special effects and textures gels to add another dimension to your artwork.
Pouring Mediums create even poured puddles and acrylic skins. Results in a smooth surface, with no crazing, cracking or bubbles. Lowers viscosity of heavier body paints, giving increased flow. Extends your colour further without affecting acrylic stability. Maintains colour opacity, paint adhesion, durability and archival quality.
Iridescent Pouring Medium dries to a high gloss, iridescent, shimmery finish.
Matte Pouring Medium dries to a matte finish, a great option to achieve a Pouring Medium effect and photograph your artwork without a high gloss sheen or glare.
- Crackle Paste 237ml0087680 - #887452048466Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Resin Sand 237ml0384022 - #0094376924404Length: 67 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 94 mmWeight: 290 g
- Silver Metallic Medium 237ml0087660 - #887452048480Length: 56 mmWidth: 56 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Glass Medium 237ml0087670 - #887452059059Length: 56 mmWidth: 56 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Gold Metallic Medium 237ml0087650 - #887452048473Length: 56 mmWidth: 56 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Masking Fluid Medium 118ml0087600 - #887452047551Length: 46 mmWidth: 46 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Satin Fluid Medium 237ml0087610 - #887452047582Length: 56 mmWidth: 56 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Satin Gel Medium 237ml0087620 - #887452047599Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Silkscreen Medium 237ml0087630 - #887452047544Length: 67 mmWidth: 67 mmHeight: 0 mmWeight: 0 g
- Ceramic Stucco Textured Effects Medium 237ml0384016 - #0094376924367Length: 67 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 94 mmWeight: 270 g
- Glass Beads Textured Effects Medium 237ml0384018 - #0094376924466Length: 67 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 94 mmWeight: 350 g
- Natural Sand Textured Effects Medium 237ml0384020 - #0094376924381Length: 67 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 94 mmWeight: 240 g
- String Gel Effect Medium 237ml0383980 - #887452059011Length: 67 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 94 mmWeight: 400 g
- Fabric Fluid Effects Medium 118ml0383904 - #0094376926125Length: 46 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 110 mmWeight: 150 g
- Gloss Pouring Medium 237ml0383910 - #887452058984Length: 55 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 140 mmWeight: 280 g
- Gloss Pouring Medium 473ml0071920 - #887452047537Length: 66 mmWidth: 66 mmHeight: 187 mmWeight: 567 g
- Gloss Pouring Medium 946ml0383912 - #887452058991Length: 84 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 233 mmWeight: 1040 g
- Gloss Pouring Medium 3.78 Litre0406910 - #0094376945775Length: 207 mmWidth: 207 mmHeight: 213 mmWeight: 4340 g
- Matte Pouring Medium 473ml0071940 - #887452059042Length: 66 mmWidth: 66 mmHeight: 187 mmWeight: 567 g
- Iridescent Pouring Medium 473ml0071930 - #887452059035Length: 66 mmWidth: 66 mmHeight: 187 mmWeight: 567 g
- Iridescent/Pearl Effect Medium 237ml0383908 - #0094376924480Length: 56 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 140 mmWeight: 303 g
- Air Brush Medium 237ml0383902 - #0094376924336Length: 56 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 140 mmWeight: 284 g
- Flow Aid Additive 118ml0383760 - #0094376924176Length: 46 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 110 mmWeight: 150 g
- Slow Dri-Gel Retarder Additive 237ml0383766 - #0094376945898Length: 67 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 94 mmWeight: 400 g
- Slow Dri-Fluid Retarder Additive 118ml0383764 - #0094376926088Length: 46 mmWidth: 0 mmHeight: 110 mmWeight: 151 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0087680 Crackle Paste 237ml | 887452048466 | 67 | 67 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0384022 Resin Sand 237ml | 0094376924404 | 67 | 0 | 94 | 290 |
EDP:0087660 Silver Metallic Medium 237ml | 887452048480 | 56 | 56 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0087670 Glass Medium 237ml | 887452059059 | 56 | 56 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0087650 Gold Metallic Medium 237ml | 887452048473 | 56 | 56 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0087600 Masking Fluid Medium 118ml | 887452047551 | 46 | 46 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0087610 Satin Fluid Medium 237ml | 887452047582 | 56 | 56 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0087620 Satin Gel Medium 237ml | 887452047599 | 67 | 67 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0087630 Silkscreen Medium 237ml | 887452047544 | 67 | 67 | 0 | 0 |
EDP:0384016 Ceramic Stucco Textured Effects Medium 237ml | 0094376924367 | 67 | 0 | 94 | 270 |
EDP:0384018 Glass Beads Textured Effects Medium 237ml | 0094376924466 | 67 | 0 | 94 | 350 |
EDP:0384020 Natural Sand Textured Effects Medium 237ml | 0094376924381 | 67 | 0 | 94 | 240 |
EDP:0383980 String Gel Effect Medium 237ml | 887452059011 | 67 | 0 | 94 | 400 |
EDP:0383904 Fabric Fluid Effects Medium 118ml | 0094376926125 | 46 | 0 | 110 | 150 |
EDP:0383910 Gloss Pouring Medium 237ml | 887452058984 | 55 | 0 | 140 | 280 |
EDP:0071920 Gloss Pouring Medium 473ml | 887452047537 | 66 | 66 | 187 | 567 |
EDP:0383912 Gloss Pouring Medium 946ml | 887452058991 | 84 | 0 | 233 | 1040 |
EDP:0406910 Gloss Pouring Medium 3.78 Litre | 0094376945775 | 207 | 207 | 213 | 4340 |
EDP:0071940 Matte Pouring Medium 473ml | 887452059042 | 66 | 66 | 187 | 567 |
EDP:0071930 Iridescent Pouring Medium 473ml | 887452059035 | 66 | 66 | 187 | 567 |
EDP:0383908 Iridescent/Pearl Effect Medium 237ml | 0094376924480 | 56 | 0 | 140 | 303 |
EDP:0383902 Air Brush Medium 237ml | 0094376924336 | 56 | 0 | 140 | 284 |
EDP:0383760 Flow Aid Additive 118ml | 0094376924176 | 46 | 0 | 110 | 150 |
EDP:0383766 Slow Dri-Gel Retarder Additive 237ml | 0094376945898 | 67 | 0 | 94 | 400 |
EDP:0383764 Slow Dri-Fluid Retarder Additive 118ml | 0094376926088 | 46 | 0 | 110 | 151 |
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- DownloadGloss Pouring Medium
- DownloadIridescent Pouring Medium
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