Winsor & Newton Drawing Inks 14ml

Winsor & Newton Drawing Inks are formulated from a series of soluble dyes in a superior shellac solution. These inks can be applied with brush, dip pen or airbrush and are widely used by designers, calligraphers and artists as well as illustrators.
These drawing inks are fast drying, water resistant (except Liquid Indian Ink, Gold and Silver) and transparent, allowing the overlaying of different colours for attractive optical colour mixtures.
All watercolour brushes can also be used with inks to create interesting texture and lines.
- Canary Yellow (973)0123103 - #0094376899900Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Sunshine Yellow (960)0123234 - #0094376899979Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Orange (965)0123187 - #0094376896381Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Vermilion (970)0123250 - #0094376896411Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Scarlet (967)0123218 - #0094376896404Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Carmine (956)0123111 - #0094376896442Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Crimson (958)0123137 - #0094376896459Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Deep Red (963)0123145 - #0094376896374Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Purple (964)0123200 - #0094376896398Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Violet (971)0123268 - #0094376896435Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Ultramarine (969)0123242 - #0094376896428Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Blue (952)0123064 - #0094376899887Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Cobalt (957)0123129 - #0094376899917Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Brilliant Green (962)0123080 - #0094376899894Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Viridian (972)0123276 - #0094376899986Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Emerald (959)0123153 - #0094376899924Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Apple Green (961)0123048 - #0094376899870Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Burnt Sienna (955)0123098 - #0094376896466Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Brick Red (953)0123072 - #0094376896367Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Nut Brown (954)0123179 - #0094376896473Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Peat Brown (968)0123195 - #0094376899955Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Black (Indian Ink) (951)0123056 - #0094376905311Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- White (974)0123284 - #0094376899993Length: 39 mmWidth: 37 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 63 g
- Gold (944) 14ml (283)0123315 - #0094376899948Length: 39 mmWidth: 39 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 60 g
- Silver (945) 14ml (617)0123323 - #0094376899962Length: 39 mmWidth: 39 mmHeight: 47 mmWeight: 60 g
- Liquid Indian Ink 14ml (754)0127589 - #0094376954180Length: 38 mmWidth: 38 mmHeight: 48 mmWeight: 60 g
Barcode | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (g) | |
EDP:0123103 Canary Yellow (973) | 0094376899900 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123234 Sunshine Yellow (960) | 0094376899979 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123187 Orange (965) | 0094376896381 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123250 Vermilion (970) | 0094376896411 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123218 Scarlet (967) | 0094376896404 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123111 Carmine (956) | 0094376896442 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123137 Crimson (958) | 0094376896459 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123145 Deep Red (963) | 0094376896374 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123200 Purple (964) | 0094376896398 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123268 Violet (971) | 0094376896435 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123242 Ultramarine (969) | 0094376896428 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123064 Blue (952) | 0094376899887 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123129 Cobalt (957) | 0094376899917 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123080 Brilliant Green (962) | 0094376899894 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123276 Viridian (972) | 0094376899986 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123153 Emerald (959) | 0094376899924 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123048 Apple Green (961) | 0094376899870 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123098 Burnt Sienna (955) | 0094376896466 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123072 Brick Red (953) | 0094376896367 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123179 Nut Brown (954) | 0094376896473 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123195 Peat Brown (968) | 0094376899955 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123056 Black (Indian Ink) (951) | 0094376905311 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123284 White (974) | 0094376899993 | 39 | 37 | 47 | 63 |
EDP:0123315 Gold (944) 14ml (283) | 0094376899948 | 39 | 39 | 47 | 60 |
EDP:0123323 Silver (945) 14ml (617) | 0094376899962 | 39 | 39 | 47 | 60 |
EDP:0127589 Liquid Indian Ink 14ml (754) | 0094376954180 | 38 | 38 | 48 | 60 |